Managing Office
Any questions related to the work of the Plattform Lernende Systeme or on Artificial Intelligence? Contact our office!
The managing office of the Plattform Lernende Systeme is the interface between members of the platform and between the platform and the public. It coordinates the work process of the working groups and organizes dialogue and knowledge transfer both internally and to the public. The staff in the managing office can be contacted for enquiries from stakeholders in industry, politics and civil society and from domestic and international media and institutions.
Lernende Systeme – Germany's Platform for Artificial Intelligence
Managing Office Munich | c/o acatech
Karolinenplatz 4 | D-80333 Munich
T.: +49 89/52 03 09-63
Office Berlin | c/o acatech
Georgenstraße 25 | D-10117 Berlin
Contact Person
Dr. Thomas Schmidt
Managing Officer
Birgit Obermeier
Deputy Managing Officer
Dr.-Ing. Patrick Bollgrün
Coordination of WG Mobility and Intelligent Transport Systems
Dr. Maximilian Hösl
Coordination of WG Technological Enablers and Data Science and WG Learning Robotic Systems
Alexander Mihatsch
Coordination of WG Future of Work and Human-Machine Interaction and WG IT Security, Privacy, Legal and Ethical Framework
Max Nahrhaft
Coordination of WG Business Model Innovations
Dr. Thomas Steiner
Coordination of WG Health Care, Medical Technology, Care
Dr. Erduana Wald
Coordination of WG IT Security, Privacy, Legal and Ethical Framework
Birgit Obermeier
Head of Communication
T.: +49 89/52 03 09-51
Pia Schroeder
Event Management
Marina Stiefenhofer
Editorial team
Max Nahrhaft
Map on AI / Strategic projects
Christine Wirth
Karin Weller
T.: +49 89/52 03 09-63
Mandy Börner
T.: +49 30/206 30 96-37